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Discover Essential Community Resources in Northwest Florida through ELCNWF

We are excited to announce that the Coalition has updated our County Community Resources Directories, making it easier than ever for residents of Bay, Calhoun, Franklin, Gulf, Holmes, Jackson, and Washington counties to access vital services and support.

What’s New?

The updated directories include a comprehensive range of resources tailored to meet the diverse needs of our communities. Whether someone is seeking assistance with food, employment, housing, family wellness, healthcare, or education, the directories have something for everyone.

Why It Matters

Accessing the right resources can make a world of difference for individuals and families facing challenges. The Early Learning Coalition of Northwest Florida is dedicated to empowering our communities by providing these essential resources in easy-to-navigate directories.

How to Use the Directory

The Community Resources are available on our website and are user-friendly. Simply select your county at the bottom of the page to find a tailored list of resources available in your area. You can also share your county’s directory with friends and family who might benefit

5 Hurricane Preparation Tips for Families

As Hurricane Michael taught us, it is crucial for families to have an emergency plan in place to ensure the safety and well-being of every family member, including children. Being prepared for emergencies is not just about having supplies on hand – it is about having a plan and the knowledge to execute it when the need arises. By taking steps now to prepare your family for emergencies, you can ensure the safety and well-being of your loved ones.

Below are five tips caregivers can use while preparing for a storm. Let’s take action today to safeguard our families and communities for whatever the future may hold.

1. Educating Children

Start by educating children about hurricanes and the importance of being prepared. Use age-appropriate language and activities to teach them about the potential risks and what to do in case of an emergency. Encourage questions and open discussions to alleviate fears and empower children to take an active role in their safety.

2. Creating a Family Emergency Plan

Involve children in the creation of a family emergency plan. Discuss evacuation routes, designated meeting points, and communication strategies. Assign age-appropriate tasks to children, such as packing their own emergency kits or memorizing important phone numbers. By involving children in the planning process, they will feel more prepared and empowered to act in an emergency.

3. Assembling Emergency Kits

Gather supplies for emergency kits together as a family. Include essential items such as water, non-perishable food, flashlights, batteries, first aid supplies, and comfort items such as stuffed animals or favorite toys for children.

4. Addressing Children’s Concerns

Be attentive to children’s concerns and emotions regarding hurricanes and emergency preparedness. Reassure them that their safety is a top priority and encourage open communication about any fears or anxieties they may have. Provide age-appropriate explanations and comfort, and remind children that they are not alone in facing challenges during a storm.

5. Incorporating Learning Opportunities

Use hurricane preparedness as an opportunity for children to learn valuable life skills. Teach them about teamwork, problem-solving, and resilience as you navigate the planning process together. Encourage creativity by allowing children to create their own emergency plans or design emergency kits, fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility.