What is VPK?
Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) is a free educational program that helps your child be ready for kindergarten. VPK helps build a strong foundation for school using educational materials appropriate for different stages in your child’s development.
Why is VPK important?
Research shows children who participate in high-quality prekindergarten programs are better prepared for school, perform better on standardized tests, have better school attendance rates, develop lifelong social & emotional skills, and are less likely to drop out of school.
Who is eligible?
Children must live in Florida and be 4years old on or before September 1 of the current year to be eligible. If their birthday falls from February 2 through September 1, you may wait to enroll your child the following year when they’re 5.
How do I apply?
- You can apply online at: familyservices.floridaearlylearning.com
- Create an account if you are a first-time user using a valid email address, or login if you are a returning user
- Once you receive your confirmation email, follow the link in the email instructions
- Upload all your documents, review, and submit
You will need:
- proof of Florida residency
- proof of your child’s age
Submission Status
- ELCNWF will review your application and email you with further instructions. Once your application is approved, you will be provided with a Certificate of Eligibility you can take to any VPK provider.
- If you need further assistance, contact your family support specialist here.
For questions about the VPK program, or how to find a VPK provider, contact 850-747-5400 x108.